Thy Will Be Done by Ronald W. Kirk Virtual Book Tour Highlights

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The world cries out for an imaginative but realistic Biblical guide to the life foreshadowed in Christ’s model prayer. No foolish utopia, here is a powerful, comprehensive portrait of a sinful world redeemed and transformed by Christ—including the tools needed to hasten the day.

The author weaves a tapestry of possibility–Christ’s people growing as salt and light, putting flesh on the Bible’s vision of blessing in every aspect of human life and endeavor, bringing joy to all peoples and glory to the One who came to save the world.

“Ron Kirk comprehensively applies the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life” (Peter Hammond, The Reformation Society, South Africa).

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In my life’s work identifying the Biblical goals of education and its methods, I, with many friends and mentors contributing, produced what might be called a crafted systematic theology of applied faith—the Word of God applied to everything in this life in anticipation of the next! This work identifies God’s goals for His people. These include character, faith, wisdom and skill. Then we apply our understanding, by faith, to ourselves in all things, all of life’s activities on Christ’s behalf according to His gifts and calling. What are the proper limits of godly expression and influence? There are none. “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31*).

–Guest post at The Story Behind the Book

The author weaves a tapestry of possibility–Christ’s people growing as salt and light, putting flesh on the Bible’s vision of blessing in every aspect of human life and endeavor, bringing joy to all peoples and glory to the One who came to save the world.

–My Devotional Thoughts

Powerful in content and meaning, this guide reveals how a true godly society would function. Both informative and inspirational, Thy Will Be Donereminds us of the responsibility we have as Christians to pursue seeing God’s will being done on earth “as it is in heaven” and embracing the charge of The Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all the nations.”

–Cheryl’s Christian Book Connection

What do you feel is the greatest obstacle to transforming our communities?
Ron: We are all products of our heritage and upbringing. Overcoming the predisposition of these things is difficult. God designed men not to be moved by every wind of doctrine. Therefore change comes hard. The cure for this is heeding the message of Christ from the beginning of His earthly ministry—repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. We must actively seek how God wishes us to change, educating ourselves, and then endeavoring to practice by faith what we learn of Him.  God works through one obedient person at a time, until He produces a great cloud of witnesses.
–PUYB Virtual Book Club Book Discussion
Today, with repentant hearts (2 Chronicles 7:14), we may see a revival of conditions where Christians are truly salt and light in the earth. We will truly help to prepare the soil of men’s hearts, rendering them ready for salvation and true discipleship.
–Guest post at Lori’s Reading Corner
His commentary in Thy Will Be Done is fascinating yet very much in the know with what we should be doing in our households with our own families as well as in our daily work life even our church life. Being dedicated to God is a great mission but being dedicated to winning souls for the Kingdom is even better. The author has several thoughts on many, many different things that should be of utmost importance to every Christian.

–A Simple Life, Really?

Jesus Christ graced Ron with salvation late in his college career at the University of California, Berkeley, graduating in 1974. In entering his first church ministry, a lack of a RonKirk-photo-SAM_1429Biblical material on education led him to the Christian History Movement and the works of R.J. Rushdoony. Since 1980, Ron has studied and taught the Biblically and historically identified applied-faith theology and philosophy outlined in this book.

God gave Ron a voracious appetite for learning about everything. Ron studied math and physics in college, and then pursued professional landscape architecture—design is a central component to his calling. He gained a passion for education after finding that a full-orbed Biblical treatment of education was nowhere to be found in contemporary literature.

Ever since about 1977, Ron devoted his life to understand God’s earthly and eternal purposes for mankind, to help others know them, and to derive and spread a thoroughly Biblical system of education aimed toward God’s ends for His people.

Ron’s success in pioneering day and home schools has long proven the effectiveness of systematic Biblical thinking. His work has been published internationally and translated into Spanish. Gloriously married since 1971, Ron and Christina have five children, five more sons- and daughters-in-law, and eleven grandchildren, all walking with Christ. American Heritage Christian Church ordained Ron in 1984.

Ron’s educational and worldview ministry website is He’s also on Facebook at

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